Benchmarking FP8 with vLLM

Ethan PetersenAugust 29, 2024

In this article, we will show how to benchmark FP8 models on L40S using the vLLM inference engine. This article assumes that you have a Crusoe account (you can sign up here). We will provision resources using Terraform, please ensure that your environment is configured and refer to our docs for guidance.

Provisioning Resources

Update the corresponding variables in locals inside to match your environment, then initialize the terraform project with terraform init and provision resources with terraform apply. Note that this will create a VM equipped with 8xL40S and a 256GB persistent disk. After the VM has been created, terraform will output the public IP address.

Mount Storage

First, ssh into your VM. Then, run the below commands to mount the attached disk to /scratch.

Install Dependencies

We'll use uv to install dependencies. First, install the tool with

Now, clone the cookbook with git clone Navigate to this tutorial (cd crusoe-cookbook/content/vllm-l40s-fp8), initialize the virtual environment and install dependencies:

Run Benchmarks

Before starting the vLLM server, we'll configure HuggingFace to save to our shared disk, specify the model tag, and set tensor parallelism to 1.

Now, we'll use tmux to run our server inside of a detachable session.

vLLM will download the model from HF and serve it on port 8000. Now, detach from the tmux session (ctrl+b then d) and we'll simulate a client.

Let's inspect the benchmark script to see what's going on.

This is a convenience wrapper that re-runs the vLLM benchmarks/ with queries-per-second (QPS) gradually increasing from 1 to 9 and saves the results. After each run completes, a JSON will appear in the same directory containing inference statistics.


We ran benchmarks across the fp8 and fp16 versions of both Llama3.1 8B and 70B.

TPOT vs QPS In the above chart, we compare time-per-output-token (TPOT) across different QPS volumes. For fp16 70B we run across 8 GPUs while in fp8 we only use 4 and we still maintain the same TPOT range. The 8B models are run across 1 GPU though fp8 is noticeable faster.

TPOT vs QPS Looking at our time-to-first-token (TTFT), we observe the same trends. Even though the fp8 70B is run across half as many GPUs, its TTFT is roughly the same as the fp16 version on 8.

Converting Llama3 models to FP8

Update $MODEL to your absolute path for the converted version, then rerun uv run vllm serve $MODEL --enable-chunked-prefill --disable-log-requests --tensor-parallel-size $TP_SIZE.